How it started

Since the age of nine I was very intrigued in knives. I was a collector at first and then decided to become a knife maker. I made my first knife in 1985 when I stumbled upon a piece of 440c knife steel. “This will be my first hunting knife” was the words that shot out of my mind. After countless hours, my first knife was finished. After that, I was hooked, and with every knife I made, my skill only grew bigger and better.

The Story

In 1989 I had the privilege to meet a professional knife maker by the name of Peter Bouchop. Peter saw great things in me and was intrigued by my passion for knife making. Peter decided to invite me to his workshop to make a knife of my choice.

My first professional knife

Visiting Peters workshop, I was alive with excitement and could not wait to star with my knife. “A knife buckle” was wat I have chosen for this project. This is the knife buckle that I still wear with me every day.

The Equipment that sparked my brain

After visiting Peters workshop, I  realised that I would need to invest in machinery, but at this stage, times were tough and I had to make some plans. Growing up, I always had an eye for inner and outer workings of machinery and was never afraid to building machines with my hands. In no time, I have built my own Grinders and soon after that, I made my first 2 knives on my own machines.

My first professional order

In 1990 I met a man that wanted 500 Biltong Knives, now there was no turning back….

Knife makers Show

I had the opportunity to showcase my knives at a knife makers show in 1994. I was very intrigued at the quality and craftsmanship that the other knife makes were showing and decided that this will be me not far in the future. By 1997 I was a proud owner of 4 awards namely:

Best Folding Knife
Best Art Knife
Best Knife at Show
Best Table Display

Knife makers Guild

In 1998 I went to my first Knife Makers Guild Show and was awarded honours for the best innovation with my foldable Knife and Fork Set. In 1999 I got awarded the best art folder.

In 1997 Van’s son Ivan started helping him full time making knives, and now they are a team. Ivan is also very good at his work and is hoping to be accepted to the knife makers guild.